Monday, December 13, 2010

Aramco Houston Half Marathon

Unsafe water kills about 2 million children per year, and that's if they can get any water at all. One dime can provide clean water for one person for 37 days. I know I'm the worst about being annoyed by loose change, but I never thought my loose change could save a person's life.

When I was in India, we saw children walking to a well filled with dirty water. They made a few trips in order to bring water to their village. Now, just think if that same water they used to provide for their village was also killing them. Can you imagine spending most of your day travelling to get dirty water? We talk about how these countries don't have proper education or medical care, but none of that matters if they don't have clean water, or any water at all.

About a week ago, I was informed that I was chosen to run with Team Living Water in the Aramco Half Marathon in Houston on January 30, 2010. I am so blessed to do what I love to help benefit those that God loves. Living Water International sends mission trips all over the world to build water wells, so these families can have clean water to drink.

It breaks my heart to think that somewhere a child may love to run and play, and may have the gift of running, but spends his time walking miles to get dirty water for his family. Imagine the next time you step on a treadmill or on your favorite trail (or walk your favorite mall) that the distance you run or walk, a child may have to walk that far to get dirty water.

Hebrews 12:1,2 says "Let Us Run With Perseverance The Race That Is Set Before Us..." The race set before me is not only to make it to the finish line, but also to spread the word of those suffering. The race these children and families run is of survival. We can delight and rejoice that any money raised will not only bring clean water but also a seed of hope and love to devastated people.

There is a quote I love by Erma Bombeck, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'” That is how I feel about running and about life. The Bible says to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. I hope to love my neighbor as God loves them. He created each hair on their head, called them by name, and loves them as dearly as He loves us, so why are we the ones blessed to have clean water?

We are blessed to be a blessing.

If you feel lead, please visit my donor page at

My goal is to raise $1,000 by January 30, 2010. I do ask that everyone please join me in prayer for these people and as I train and fund raise for them as well.

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