Sunday, July 11, 2010


Since turning 25, each year prompts me to evaluate my life. Call it the quarter-life-crisis, but it's inevitable to think, "Am I where I wanted to be at this point?" Well, the 15-yr-old me thought I would be married with three kids at 27-years-old. At 27, I couldn't fathom it!

It's pretty natural to think about the things you would redo in your life. But I'm learning to think about taking life a day at a time. If you walk in obedience, God shows up big! So everyday, just walk in obedience, and trust that God will show up big.

Sure there are things that I would re-do, but I look at my life and God has blessed me with so many people in my life. I've had experiences I never imagined, and all the trials help me love others more. I'm so excited to see what God will do in the future. I hope I follow in obedience to see what will happen!

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