1. Good friends/family
2. Water...any kind...lake, ocean, pool, bath...I'll take what I can get.
The past two weekends have been filled with both, and I am so grateful. Two friends celebrated their birthdays in the same week, and we were able to celebrate with them. I love birthdays. I love being able to show my friends just how special they are to me. Of course, we should try to do this more than just once a year, but it's nice to just have a day to celebrate what our friends mean to us.
Last Saturday we all came to my apartment to lay out by the pool and grill. During that day, I managed to slice my toe, my finger, break two glass bowls, and had a runaway dog. This is only a feat that I can manage! but in the end it was all worth it.

This weekend, we journeyed to Lake Livingston for a weekend away. Upon arriving, JBH and I walked to the second floor balcony and joined about 8 other people. Since the birthday girl wasn't there yet, we knew none of the people currently there! It was about 10 pm, and we couldn't see anyone. Normally, it would be awkward to have ten people that don't know each other sitting in the dark. But it was probably the most relaxed and comfortable evening I've had in a long time. There was no drama and everyone got along as if we were all old friends.
So we sat there staring at the stars chatting for about 4 hours. Everyone kept seeing shooting stars, and of course, I kept missing them! Finally, about 3:30 am, I saw one, and we went inside to go to bed. That was my first shooting star ever! It made my night.
The next day was literally probably the most perfect day in history. We went for a jog, ate great food, floated in the lake, jumped off a second-story balcony, and went tubing. I can't think of one thing that would have made it better.

As the day came to a close, and I contemplated leaving my new friends, I didn't want to go home. Everything in me wanted to stay on Saturday night. But I knew I had church and other obligations to take care of Sunday. Not to mention, I like to take Sundays to make sure I'm ready and rested for Monday.
On the way back to the house from lake, our fearless leader, Jeremy, got us lost, so I had about 30 extra minutes of reflection. All day, I thought about every rationalization for me not to stay at the lake. In all honesty, no one would have blamed me for staying.
I laid my head back and sought God. Lately, I've been feeling God asking me,
"What are you willing sacrifice for me? You say you are willing to give me everything, but are you?"

I knew that He had been convicting me of sacrificing financially. I've been very convicted about shopping, but now it was my time. When the time came that I was tempted, was I willing to give.
Then, I heard more truth. I remembered that next week is Fourth of July and the week after I'm going to Galveston for my birthday. Plus, any more time at the lake, and I might not have felt as rejuvenated.
God had given me the exact amount of time that I needed for rest. And He would provide it again. It's easy to say, "God will provide, God will provide." But it's harder to live it. We need to have faith that when we walk in obedience, God will provde exactly what we need, when we need it.
And this past weekend, He did. He provided friends, food, rest, beautiful weather, and a chance to be at the lake. Man, I love the lake. And do I regret leaving early? Not one bit.
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