Thursday, June 18, 2009

BR09!! 16 people in an elevator....why not?

1727 students and leaders
7 girls in my cabin
5 Campuses
1 Church

1 God

What were your camp experiences? Mine were filled with bunk beds, latrines, and BAD cafeteria food. For 1700 Second Baptist Students, theirs are filled with condos, beaches, and cabinets stocked with junk food!

This year, one of my condo's memories also includes getting stuck on an elevator! When 4 of my ladies were 30 minutes late after free time, I, the ever-trusting leader stormed out of the condo in search of my prodigal youth. Entering the elevator, I asked two gentleman if they had seen my renegades. "They're probably on the elevator that got stuck!" was their reply. Immediately, my stomach dropped thinking of my dear sweet teenagers stuck on that elevator. I knew they were terrified. Thankfully, as I exited the elevator on the 3rd floor, I saw my ladies crying being lectured by a Fire Marshall as I tried not to bust out laughing. (I'm abundant with sympathy)

Turns out we broke a record! Second does always do things bigger and better...including managing to stuff 16 people in an elevator.

That is definitely something I will always remember about my first BR experience, but I know there was so much more.

Before I left for Beach Retreat, so many told me I was going to be exhausted. When I told people how many students we were taking, I got responses like "Whoa!" or "You're a better person than I am!" In all honesty, by the end of the week, 1727 people really doesn't seem like a lot anymore!

I have to say I was incredibly blessed with the the young women I was able to hang out with this week. No word can express the joy in a leader's heart when she hears high-school students singing praise and worship at 8 AM in the morning while cooking breakfast. Couple that with 1700 students spending quiet time with God twice a day, and hundreds of them making commitments to Christ, it fill a heart with hope that God isn't done with us yet!

At the end of the trip, students wrote letters to themselves about resolutions they made on the trip. I challenge these students to stay on course! Lets keep doing it bigger and better!!

Adults: Why not write a letter to yourself about something that God is laying on your heart or a resolution you've made recently? Do it with a friend, seal the letters, and trade back in 3 months. Are you staying on course? Did your passion fade?

For inspiration and hope, check out more pics and videos from Beach Retreat 09 on our student pastor's, Jordan Easley, blog here.

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